estampes-daliDali rides again: Among the work auctioned off October 17 in Paris by Artcurial in its Prints and Illustrated Books Sale was Salvador Dali (1904 – 1989)’s “Dalian Horses,” an album in mauve metal box created by the artist, with gold stamp on the cover. The lot featured twenty-six 63.4 x 58.6 cm color lithographs, each one signed and justified. Estimated pre-sale by Artcurial at 10,000 – 15,000 Euros, it went for a whopping 33,800. Image copyright and courtesy Artcurial.

dali-fixedAmong the works currently on view at the Museum of Modern Art in its fifth floor Alfred H. Barr Painting and Sculpture Galleries, named after the museum’s influential former director: Salvador Dalí, “The Persistence of Memory,” 1931. Oil on canvas, 9 1/2 x 13″ (24.1 x 33 cm). The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Given anonymously. © 2011 Salvador Dalí, Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.