At the Rencontres de la Photographie in Arles, France, America is great again

arles photo bobby train 1For the Arts Voyager’s full illustrated commentary on the Rencontres de la Photographie held last summer in Arles, France, subscribers please contact Not yet a subscriber? Subscribe today for just $36/year by designating your PayPal payment to, or write us at that address to learn how to pay by check. Above, from the Arles exhibition The Train: RFK’s Last Journey: Paul Fusco/Magnum Photos, Untitled, from the series RFK Funeral Train, 1968. The exhibition is part of a mini-festival within the festival, America Great Again, also featuring work from Robert Frank, Raymond Depardon, and others. Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles 50 years ago this month, at the apex of the Democratic presidential primaries. Courtesy of the Danziger Gallery.